Jon Michael Roberts

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Visualization / Animation

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Design Visualization Services:

A picture is worth a thousand words! Why not transform your the ideas in your head (or on paper) into a visual format? My background in Engineering and Aerospace fields give me a unique understanding of complex systems that are difficult to explain to the average artist. I speak your language when it comes to understanding your ideas and designs. Give me a sketch of a napkin, and AutoCAD file, FAX me your drawings, or just call me on the phone and tell me your ideas and I can transform them into artist renderings for presentation and the like. I normally make use of 3D modeling software such as Autodesk Mechanical Desktop or 3D Studio Max and imaging software including Photoshop.

For examples of my work, please visit the Gallery page.

Pricing will vary according to complexity and output medium. Please feel free to drop me a line anytime for additional information.